
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2011 Veggie Garden

I finally submitted my seed order. I kept debating on the size of garden I want to tackle and maintain this year. I decided to go with a medium-sized (for me) garden. I'll probably fill the whole garden space this year, though, even with less variety than I've had in years past, since I'm doing pumpkins and melons and they take up a good deal of space. I also kept debating whether I wanted to start my own plants indoors or just get them from my CSA Farmer's Market again this year. I decided on the latter. I'll pick up some broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, and basil plants from the market. And I think I'll call it good for this year's garden. What I don't grow myself, I'll get from the CSA.

As I have in years past, I ordered all of my seeds from Fedco. I'm trying out quite a few new varieties this year. Here are the choices I went with for the 2011 season.

Beets - Chioggia and Touchstone Gold
Cucumber - Marketmore 76 Slicing
Green Beans - Provider
Leeks - Lincoln
Lettuce - Blushed Butter Oaks and Black Seeded Simpson
Melon - Halona Muskmelon and Dark Star Watermelon
Peas - Progress #9 Shell and Blizzard Snow Pea
Pumpkins - Baby Pam
Shell Beans - King of the Early
Spinach - Space
Summer Squash - Gentry
Zucchini - Costata Romanesca

This post is shared as part of the Tuesday Twister at GNOWFGLINS.


  1. Hi! I came over from Tuesday Twister. Your garden plans look great. I want to have a small vege garden this year and have no idea where to begin.

    Do you have any suggestions for beginners? I really don't know anything about gardening.

  2. We have 200 onion sets out and I just got the rest of my seed order yesterday. I will be planting my starter seeds this week. I always get excited for the planting season.Thank you for sharing and you have a great day!

  3. Sounds great, Sara! We just got our seeds in the mail from Fedco yestereday :) Can not wait for fresh produce again! We'll see if I'm able to help Justin at all with the garden this year or not :P Maybe Rebecca will be more help than I will. I should post about our garden plans too. I always forget.

  4. I can't wait to see your progress! I hope you post pictures.

  5. Thanks, everyone, for stopping by! I am finding that I have a bad case of the spring fever already this year - and its only mid-February... it usually doesn't kick in until the end of March! I just can't wait for the growing season this year!

    @Lisa - Check out the post I did last week with some basics of Organic Gardening ( I think I am going to start up a gardening series of sorts. I have learned so much over the last few years of owning our house and having a veggie garden and thought it'd be nice to share some of what I've learned. So be sure to check back!

    @Miz Helen - wow, 200 onion sets!! That is awesome! You must have quite the garden! And how wonderful to live in a warmer climate with longer growing seasons!! Our season here in the midwest is so short!

    @Mary - I am so excited for fresh produce, too! You mentioned last year that you may start a garden just for Rebecca at some point. Do you think you'll do that this year? I think I am going to let Carson have a space in ours... just a small one - maybe like 4'x4' - so he can put a few things in of his own.

    @Extraordinary Ordinary Life - I will try to actually post some progress pictures this year! I always take them, but they rarely seem to make it to the blog, for some reason! I will be better this year, as I'm going to be doing more posts on gardening.

  6. I have been thinking and planning my garden too, I will be including green beans, chives, green onions, holy basil, lemongrass and bell peppers for sure, amongst some baby romaine and tomatoes. I am hoping to start pumpkins and melons if I can too! This will be my first non-patio garden so I am so excited! Good luck with all your produce this summer.
