
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Biggest Loser, Week 5

Another week complete... though I'm afraid I fell off the wagon a bit while I was on vacation. Not too bad, but I did miss a few workouts over the last 2 weeks... and I did have a glass of pop three different times... but I still managed to eat less than I used to and I figure that doing the majority of my workouts is better than what I used to do! :)

The fitness room at home will soon be completely done - we're behind a couple more days due to some issues painting the ceiling. But it really should be done this week!! I'll be painting the big Spartan "S" tonight and I may have to do a second coat tomorrow - plus hang up the mirrors and other stuff. I cannot wait! I'm very anxious to start doing walk/jog interval training on the treadmill. I'm doing a Couch to 5k training program (more on that next week when I start it). Now I have a few firm goals to work towards... and this just changed yesterday when I heard about this race... but I think my first 5k run will be the Heart of a Spartan race on May 2nd. You finish the race by running through the football tunnel and the finish line is the 50-yard line on the football field!! That would be SO cool, being that I bleed green! :) I'm definitely going to do a 5k race in Flushing on June 9th!! My BFF Jaime is going to be home from Phoenix, AZ and is going to run it with me!! A 5k is nothing for her - she's a triathlete, but she wants to support me. How awesome of a friend is she?? Love her!! Thanks so much, Jaim!! :) Jaim's mom, Bev, and my cousin, Mandy, may also run it with us!! Yeah!!

In other fitness news... I got a couple magazine subscriptions for my birthday... Health and Women's Health, so those will be some good resources to read through each month. I ordered this kettlebell DVD so I can start up the 60-Day challenge as soon as it arrives! I also picked up some new kettlebells last week - a 15-lb and a 20-lb bell. And I ordered P90X. Kevin has been wanting it for months and months now, so its kind of a late Christmas gift to him, but I'm looking forward to checking it out, too. I also made some plans with my old college roommate, Tiffany, to take the Zumba class that is coming to our home town on February 2nd. Some old high school friends, Laura, Mary, and Robin may be taking it, too. I'll make a fool of myself, but it'll be a lot of fun!

So I have a few very exciting (and probably quite painful) months ahead of me, but I am super stoked about everything! I already have been noticing differences. This may seem foreign to you if you've never been heavy... but I can sit comfortably on the floor and play with Carson for longer periods of time and can get up much, much easier than I used to! Mostly because I am gaining some strength and flexibility, especially in my knees. I've dropped a solid two pant sizes, which I figured out over vacation when I cleaned out my closet and tried on my next-size-down pants and they were still too big and I had to get out my pants that were another size down! Its nice to have "too big" piles of clothes now! So I guess that tells me my booty is shrinking... even though I can't visually tell yet still. (I've GOT to take some measurements this week so I can track how many inches I end up losing.) I wish I could reduce my belly pooch... then maybe I'd notice something. But I know we can't control where we lose the pounds... and it'll go down with time.

So anyway, on to another week!

I'll update later with the results of weigh-in. I think I might be up a couple pounds this week over two weeks ago, though. I'm super bloated today - a combination of eating a lot of salt yesterday (I know - shame, shame) and PMSing. Its pretty typical for me to always be up a couple pounds when I'm PMSing, though. But we'll see what the scale says.


Weight loss this week = 1... for a total of 11 pounds. Better than I thought!


  1. Way to go! You lost weight over the holidays? That's quite something. Sounds like you've definitely got the motivation going. Keep it up! Pretty soon you'll get to do some shopping for a new wardrobe. A great reward for your hard work :)

    Can Kevin notice a difference?

  2. I've got lots and lots of boxes with too small clothes in them. Probably won't have to do any real shopping until I drop another 3 sizes... maybe 4... I can't remember how far back I kept stuff. I know I got rid of a lot of stuff in our garage sale before Carson was born, but I know I still have probably 15 boxes of clothes that I'll be getting into eventually. I'll feel like I have a new wardrobe! :)

    I'm not sure if he does, or not. I don't think he really pays close enough attention. And he sees me every day, too, so its not as noticeable. Lots of people at work have noticed, though.

  3. K...Thanks for the compliments...BUT just a clarification for all the blog readers out there...I am not a true triatlete...I tried it once... :) and this 5K will be good for me since I've ran about 3-5 times since August!!! It will be some work :) But I am excited to do it with my BFF!

  4. LOL! Don't let her fool you! She did it once... and is doing it again in just a couple months!! Jaim, you ARE a triathlete!! :)
