
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meal plans and the week ahead

Another week begins! I can't believe how quickly 2010 is approaching! This is such a joyful, fun, busy time of year - I just love it! Although this week isn't too bad for us.... we might even get bored! :) Carson and Kevin are both coming off sicknesses, so we need to just take a little break and take it easy this week, anyway. Depending on how the day goes, we'd like to take Carson up to Faith Lutheran for their annual Journey to Bethlehem this afternoon. Then we'll have normal days all week - hopefully we'll make some good progress in the fitness room each night. Kevin starts his holiday vacation on Friday. We're planning to take Carson to see Santa at some point on Friday and we might go up to the Flint Children's Museum for one of their Christmas events in the morning. For the first time in quite awhile, we actually don't have any plans on Saturday! We'll just be working in the fitness room, mostly, along with the normal house chores and doing some baking and prepping a dish for a potluck on Sunday.

My extras this week will mostly be exercise. I have a weekly schedule laid out for some beginning workouts to get me going. It doesn't seem like it should be so hard... but when you only have about 3 1/2 hours at home each day (not counting sleep time) and you have a toddler, it is quite the feat. So that will be my main focus this week. In addition, I will finish up the little bit of gift wrapping that is left, make some more Christmas cookies with Carson (I think we will make chocolate surprise cookies this week), and maybe re-arrange our master bedroom to fit the computer desk in there.

Here's what's on the menu...

Sunday - baked spaghetti with home-canned meatsauce; sauteed green beans in EVOO and garlic; pearsauce

Meatless Monday - salads with lots of veggies; peaches

Tuesday - breakfast enchiladas; fresh pineapple and mango creamy white chicken chili; peaches

Wednesday -some kind of chili in the crockpot; homemade bread or corn muffins; peaches breakfast enchiladas; fresh pineapple and mango

Thursday - leftovers

Friday - mandarin orange chicken; steamed brown rice; roasted cauliflower and carrots

Saturday - TBD


  1. Mmmm, spaghetti. Justin wouldn't mind if I made spaghetti every week :) And homemade sauce is the best. It's been years since I've made spaghetti w/ boughten sauce.

    Breakfast enchiladas sound good. I haven't made breakfast for dinner in a while. I love it!

    Are these mostly BL recipes? They all sound good.

    Good luck with the exercise and fitness room. You'll have to post pics when it's done.

  2. Yeah, Kevin wanted the spaghetti. Its good, but just not the best thing for me to be eating right now... but oh well. He's sick, so I gave in. :)

    Just the mandarin chicken is BL this week. Though I'm going to try to make the others as healthy as possible... and just really limit my portions. I've got to try out the breakfast enchiladas this week so we know if they're good or not for Christmas morning. :)

    I'll definitely post pics once the room is done. Very little progress today since Kevin is feeling crummy again. I'm going down momentarily to paint one of the walls, though... but only the one is ready so far. Slowly but surely...
