
Friday, July 3, 2009

Kale Chips

I saw this recipe in a newsletter that I signed up for from Nature's Pace Organics. I thought it sounded interesting and so when I saw some organic kale for sale at the Lansing City Market, I figured I wanted to try out this recipe with some of the kale. This is a fun recipe for the little ones to help with, too. Carson had a blast helping me tear up the kale into chip size pieces and had fun helping mix it up with the oil and seasonings... what kid doesn't love getting their hands all oily? :) The chips look really dark, almost black in my picture - they're more of a dark forest green, really. They're pretty good- something different to snack on or have as a side dish. We had some with our dinner tonight and all three of us ate them alright. I doubt anyone will be requesting them, but they're a nice, healthy alternative to make sometime.

Kale Chips

1 bunch kale
Mineralized salt of some form
Seasonings - Herbamare, Curry, Roasted Garlic or Peppper (I used garlic powder)
Oil of choice

Pull leaves off thick stem. Rip stems into smaller pieces, say chip size. Drizzle oil on top and proceed with hands to transfer drizzled oil to all surface areas of kale. Salt and season to liking. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes stirring periodically. You may need to leave in oven with temp off afterwards to evaporate excess moisture on greens. (I only left mine in for about 10 minutes and they seemed plenty crispy. Any longer and it seems like they'd all taste burnt like some of my smaller pieces did.)

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