
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Meal Plans

I'm doing my meal plans post a little early this week. It'll be a busy day tomorrow, so I figured I'd get it out of the way. Tomorrow is my sister's 18th birthday and we're having her family party at my parents' house tomorrow afternoon. Plus, we'll be preparing for a full week at work next week... its going to be rough for me... it'll be my first full week at work in 6 weeks now. :Sigh: I haven't really made definite decisions about what we'll eat this week, but here's an idea of what I'm thinking right now.

Sunday ~ family party, I believe we're having tacos and nachos
Monday ~ leftover pigs, baked potatoes, corn
Tuesday ~ ultimate ham 'n cheese sammies as long as my bread is still ok and since we didn't do them last week (ended up eating leftovers to clear out the fridge before Thanksgiving) chicken spinach cheese ravioli with tomato basil ricotta sauce, green beans
Wednesday ~ some kind of soup... minestrone or chicken tortilla or chicken and black bean leftovers
Thursday ~ it'll be a long day (I'll be in Windsor, Ontario all day for meetings) so probably just leftover soup chicken tortilla soup in the crockpot
Friday ~ lobster ravioli and green beans
Saturday ~ not quite sure yet, depends on what our plans entail... but possibly crockpot chicken cordon bleu

As far as extras this week, I'll be working on finishing up using all of the sweet potatoes (yes, I still have a ton of them left... ok probably more like 15-18 very big sweet potatoes). Probably just par-boiling them and freezing them in chunks and fries. I do want to try freezing some thin slices, too, so that I can do home-baked sweet potato chips sometime. I also have a few more apples to use... I'm not sure what I'll do with them yet, but I've got to figure something out this week. I didn't get any of the baking done this weekend like I'd hoped, so depending on what we end up doing next weekend, maybe I'll make some vanilla wafers or crackers then. I guess I should start thinking about the Christmas cookie baking and maybe plan out what and when I'm going to make cookies (and freeze them till Christmas). Anyone want to come over for a cookie bake in the next couple of weeks???? P.S. I'm excited that I can now easily say I can freeze this or that... Kevin and I bought ourselves an early Christmas gift yesterday... a stand-up freezer. We haven't plugged it in yet since I don't absolutely need it yet, but I'm excited to have the possibility of yet another freezer to fill! I'll be getting a hormone-free, grass-fed lamb in January and hopefully we'll be able to go in on a quarter of a hormone-free, grass-fed cow with my SIL and BIL sometime next summer.


  1. lol. Justin and I went to look at stand up freezers yesterday! No purchase yet. But it's definitely coming :) I'm excited. Doesn't sound so good right now, though. Our furnace isn't working! Brrrr. Waiting for the repair guy to come. May have to skip church today :\

  2. I admire you for planning meals out, I can never stick to them! I'll take some lobster ravioli if you have any leftover!
